Stacey C. Robinson is the founder and lead creative for SCR Studio. She is a Cleveland, OH native, currently residing in Atlanta, GA. She loves all things sports, but especially basketball. She enjoys reading magazines and books. There is nothing else better than reading a great story, and being allowed to let your imagination run wild! She also enjoys working with youth to help them find their creative voice.

As a former educator for over 15 years experience, Stacey transformed traditional classroom learning to include technology and media. Always an innovator, Stacey consistently looks for ways to incorporate her passion for being creative and thinking outside-the-box.

In 2010, Stacey obtained her Masters of Science degree in Media Design and Technology from Full Sail University. After spending several years in corporate America, Stacey decided to take her talents, vast knowledge and love of design, to embark on the journey of impacting entrepreneurs, small businesses, educators and more! It was from this journey, SCR Studio was created. It is on this journey where she can bring ideas to creative life! She has curated logos, designed websites, brochures, and spear-headed creative solutions for clients. SCR Studio builds the bridge between ideas and reality; always seeking ways to improve connections, explore functions and stretch concepts. Stacey and SCR Studio are always up to discussing new projects, creative ideas or opportunities to be a part of your vision.

FOUNDER & LEAD creative

About Stacey